Board of Trustees Elects Vice Chair, Awards Tenure to Four 教师 Members


The Bowdoin College Board of Trustees elected a new vice chair 和 granted tenure to four faculty members during meetings held February 8–10, 2024, 在波士顿.

董事会一致选出了——戴安娜·L. 迪伊·斯帕努洛副主席,2024年7月1日起生效.


迪Spagnuolo, 1996届的一员, 是Ballard Spahr LLP费城办事处的合伙人, where she is on the management committee’s executive team, as well as the partner in charge of attorney career advancement. She represented the US Women’s National Hockey Team during their boycott of the world championships as they protested inequitable wages 和 lack of programming for women 和 girls, 和 ultimately negotiated a favorable deal with USA Hockey. 冰球运动员, 全美曲棍球运动员, 在买球平台当过三届队长, Spagnuolo was inducted into the 买球平台 Hall of Honor in December 2023. 政府和法律研究,西班牙语双学位, 斯帕尼奥洛获得了安德鲁·艾利森·霍尔丹杯, which recognizes outst和ing qualities of leadership 和 character in a member of the senior class. 在买球平台, she served as a Peace Corps volunteer in the Dominican Republic before heading to the University of Pennsylvania for law school. Prior service to Bowdoin includes membership on the 校友 Council 和 the Reunion Committee for her class. Spagnuolo’s wife, Sasha Ballen, is also 1996届的一员.

The board also granted tenure to four faculty members; the promotions had been recommended by the board’s Academic Affairs Committee.

The following faculty members were promoted from assistant professor to associate professor with tenure, 7月1日生效, 2024.



 现代日本学者, 圣诞节对边境地区的历史进行了研究, 环境, 以及20世纪的帝国主义. 她已经活了十多年, 研究, 在日本工作, 中国, 和蒙古, including a year each as a Princeton-in-Asia fellow in Xinjiang 和 a Fulbright researcher in Inner Mongolia. 她的书, Territorial Natures: The Limits of Imperial Japan in Inner Mongolia (芝加哥大学出版社即将出版), 检查 how Japanese-led population transfers 和 环境al policies demarcated Inner Mongolia as an autonomous province in the 1930s 和 offers an alternate underst和ing to the beginnings of the multiethnic framework of the People’s Republic of 中国. Her research has been supported by the American Council for Learned Societies, 国家人文基金会, 以及社会科学研究理事会. This semester, she is teaching courses on East Asian 环境al history 和 Tokyo.



Moh和esi, 现代欧洲历史学家, 专注于跨国思想史, 社会运动, 以及战争背景下的政治文化, 革命, 和帝国主义. 他教过有关法西斯主义的课程, 全球冷战, 60年代和70年代, 以及现在的历史. 2018年,他开始合编 1968年的声音:来自全球北方的文件, which gathers more than seventy original texts from twelve countries that experienced political turmoil in 60年代和70年代. 他的第一本书, Red Internationalism: Anti-Imperialism 和 Human Rights in the Global Sixties 和 Seventies (剑桥大学出版社), 2023), 追溯了法国反战运动的历史, 美国, 和 Vietnam from the early 1960s to the late 1970s in order to explain how 和 why human rights displaced anti-imperialism as the dominant idiom of internationalism. Moh和esi’s second book project is a global history of communism.


索萨是一位人类学家和酷儿研究学者 在巴西和美国工作 和 focusing on aesthetics, affect, public 文化, 和 statecraft. 索萨的第一 书, Brazil’s Sex Wars: The Aesthetics of Queer Activism in São Paulo (德克萨斯大学出版社,2024年出版), 检查 how sexual human rights 文化s transformed over Brazil’s turbulent decade in the 2010s. 他也写过买球平台街头抗议的文章, 政治上的性别歧视, 以及仇恨犯罪统计数据的产生. Sosa is also currently researching the history of the US butyl nitrite [poppers] industry, 研究poppers enabled new erotic orientations 和 played key roles in the sexual 革命, 同性恋权利, 早期艾滋病危机, 当代酷儿 文化. Sosa is the former cochair for the Association of Queer Anthropology, 和 his research has been generously funded by the National Science Foundation, 富布赖特国际教育协会, 梅隆基金会, 温纳格林基金会, 和福特基金会. 


田边是一名数学家,研究数论  representation theory, with particular emphases on 自形的 forms 的特殊值 L-functions. She was awarded an American Mathematical Society (AMS)-Simons Research Enhancement Grant for Primarily Undergraduate Institution 教师, which supports two projects awaiting publication—"Moments of Rankin-Selberg L-functions of Large Weights” 和 “Subconvexity Bound for Rankin-Selberg L-functions: t-aspect.” Tanabe has given a number of invited talks in the past year, including at the Association for Women in Mathematics Research Symposium, 她演讲的地方 in a special session on number theory at primarily undergraduate institutions, “联合数学会议”,,为此她参加了一次特别会议 女性在 自形的 forms, 和 a Bates College mathematics department seminar. She is currently teaching the courses “Functions of a Complex Variable” 和 “Advanced Topics in Rings 和 Number Theory.”